Under aggies of Rotary Club, Junction, Bangalore coming under Rotary District 3190, Interactors of Tapovan School have tied hand made eco rakhies done by Tapovanites to Defense Soldiers on 28th August 2021 at DRDO, Bangalore Rotarians and Retractors were present on the occasion.Read More
Awesome feeling in the morning after reading an interesting Anecdote… After attending Griha pravesham function of my nephew and back home late night yesterday, I had few mails to focus and reply. Then some how lost sleep and almost 4o clock in the morning, I got deep sleep and as usual had to get up...Read More
Nikhil and Nikhita Bharadwaj. Twins. Who stood 3rd in NARC( NATIONAL ALL ROUNDERS) conducted by Niti Aayog. Past 3 months, 8short listed students from Tapovan were given many projects to do. Three of them from our school reached final stage. Feel very satisfied for exposing and mentoring parents to involve their children into varied National...Read More