Admissions for 2020-21 & Payment of Fees

Dear parents,

As we all are aware, Government of Karnataka has permitted schools to collect fees online for the academic year 2020-21 in order to meet the expenses for next academic year. We feel every one is safe and healthy at their respective homes during this long and unpredicted lockdown period. However this lockdown period is bound to bring in lot of changes in the life style of people. These lessons once learned during this period are going to be permanent in our future. Healthy habits and maintaining social distance are going to be creeped into our society taking us back to our true Indian values and culture. Naturally this is bound to change our future and reverse many of our habits. We have seen recently an announcement by TCS that they woluld expect 75% of their work force to work from home and leaving office working staff to 25% by 2025. Similar changes are expected to be also in Education Sector. Let us be prepared for the future. We have seen the havaoc caused by Corona Virus. Such viruses are bound to be around us forever and we should learn to live with them. Life Style changes expected are like maintaining social distancing, frequent sanitization, increasing online education and decreasing class room education etc. Our Hon Prime Minister has indicated his readiness to accept suggestions from experts in the field and prepare comprehensive guidelines in this regard.
In the meanwhile we at Tapovan School would like to be proactive and plan for the future early. We presume as parents interested in the education and upcoming of your child, you will be in support of us in this venture. Our knowledge partners with whom we tied up in the past, have stood with us and extended online coaching and training to our students during this lockdown period and are also are continuing to support. However no good work can continue without financial support. Our teachers have also taken interest in supporting our children during these critical times.
To continue the education online and offline coupled with coordination by our teachers, we request you to pay the fee in full / 1st instalment /or in part at Tapovan School Collection Account at Corporation Bank, Nisarga Layout, Jigani. Account No 520101257789290 IFSC Code UBIN0912883 or Tapovan School account at ICICI Bank account No 318301000041 IFSC Code ICIC0003183. Once this admission process is completed, we shall plan the offline / online way of imparting education next year. Thanking you. Management & Staff of Tapovan School.

During this lockdown period, we understand that it will be difficult to parents or students to approach the school physically for admission. Now as a relaxation you can pay Rs.10,000 straight into the account uniformly for any class and send the proof of remittance by email to School will come in contact with you for further clarifications. Advantage of admission is even if the reopening of school is delayed, online coaching to students will start.

Please inform the school by filling up the form by pressing the button below after payment of fee.

About the author

President of Tapovan School
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