We are happy to bring to your notice the following recent achievements of the school students during pandemic time.
1. An innovation project, using wheat husk for making edible cutlery by our Grade 8 students was recognized and obtained Bronze position at the International Contest organized by SHELL International Foundation. Their team visited the school on 15th and 16th of this month (15 and 16 May 2022) to make a documentary of the entire project.
2. Last year ATL Marathon 2020-21 contest: During this our Grade 8 students project of tinkering a prototype “Automated Incinerator” to burn sanitary napkins used by Girls during periods, is adjudged as one of the Top Ten across India. For this project IP was awarded and six more prototypes were sponsored through an outsourced industry in Goa by DELL Foundation, which they are supposed to sell.
Students of both the projects have several accolades by both the companies by way of certificates, T Shirts, Electronic Gadgets, Bags etc.
The undersigned is excited to be the mentor for these projects and happy to be recognized.
Winning team members are supposed to register a startup company as young entrepreneurs with the support of the Government’s AIM project through NITI Aayog.