On Aug 4, 2015 12:51 PM, “mandar dixit”
I have done my schooling from Tapovan and my school days were very good. I had enjoyed a lot each and every moment of my school days.
I was very naughty that time. I was an average student so i
had to pay my maximum time to study and not worried about
anything like future, career etc.
I think that was the golden period of my life. I can never
forget that days.
Your classroom was more than just a place to learn. And you are more than just a teacher. Thank you for educating and inspiring me.
Thank you Vani mam and team for supporting me. Thank you for teaching. Thank you for listening. Thank you for caring. And thank you for being an outstanding educator.
Job Details :
Company : Wipro Technologies
Designation : Team Lead
Dear Educator, We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the students and teachers for participating in the DFC I CAN School Challenge 2015!To put your achievement into perspective – DFC received over 2512stories of change from 27 states of India. This year, the way you have facilitated the DFC Project speaks volumes about the time, thought and investment that has gone into it and reminds us of Pluto’s quote “School teachers have such powers that prime ministers can only dream about.” Our best wishes and commendation for your committed participation. Your story received high praise for nurturing empathy, cultivating optimism and for building the collaborative spirit amongst your superheroes! To express our deepest gratitude for all the effort, energy and enthusiasm with which you participated, we are sharing here the official certificate of participation. We request you to please print out the DFC CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION and award them to the students of your school who participated in the DFC I CAN School Challenge 2015! Please Note: The certificate is in PDF format and in A4size. The same can be printed on a desktop printer. We hope that you keep encouraging your children to believe that change is possible and that they can drive it. Thank you once again for helping us spread the magic of “I CAN”. We look forward to you and your students joining us again in the DFC School Challenge 2016!! With Warm wishes and much gratitude,.
[5/9/2018, 9:44 AM] Stu Dr Deekshith Reddy: Very few people have the power to educate today’s youth. You do it pretty well.
Happy Teacher’s Day madam! I raised a sparrow from its egg hatch and I raised two squirrels at that time,, that was just humanity
May be I learnt all those things there
And may be that is the reason I’m here today
Not so great but I put my efforts to help people make themselves better. Yes mam I do recall your biology classes.
Those flowchart concepts helped me a lot throughout my progress.
I will look forward to make something remarkable and next thing is that I will visit school
It feels like an adult right now but u still am a kid in Tapovàn
I will visit soon mam.
As far as cancer research is concerned, my soul is all dedicated to the people who actually didn’t want anything because of their condition
Now it feels like I will dedicate my life to those who wants to make difference when nature doesn’t agree to
Not just my hands,, I’ll do everything for this. Let me talk to Sharma sir mam I really recall him more,,, he taught me the basics
[8/9/2018, 10:29 PM] Stu Dr Deekshit Reddy: He’s more a legend from the point of his accent to his management skills