A feather in the cap of Tapovan School. Tapovan School is awarded as one of Top ICSE Schools of India Award by Education Today under the category Co-Curricular Education at Taj, Airport, Bangalore on 10th Dec 2024.Read More
Tapovanites are not only excelling in education but also have becomes authors. Four books authoried by our students are available on Amazon for you to buy. We wish every one buys them to encourage budding talent. The young authors are Aryan Reddy, Chezian Pritham and Amruthavarshini. Thank you students, you made the wschool proud. Update...Read More
An innovative project on using wheat husk to make edible cutlery and plates was appreciated by NXplorers team of Shell Company. In appreciation they have produced a video on the students who involved in the project and Tapovan School environment for international audience.Read More
In the 9th National Conference on K12 Leadership and India School Merit Awards held in Bangalore on 11th March 2022, Tapovan School is awarded as Top Ranked Ni 1 ICSE School in the Country in Co-curricular Activities.Read More
On this Day being celebrated as Women’s Day, Dr J A Vani Sharma, Principal of Tapovan School is honored as a Woman Achiever. The function was organized by Kotak Life.Read More
We are happy to announce that Education Today selected Tapovan School as a top No 1 ICSE School in co-curricular activities for the year 2020-21.Read More
We received the following invitation from Learning Links. Our students participated in the program by presenting “Bio degradable Plates, Cups etc. Using Wheat Husk”. We are happy to inform that we received Bronze medal for our project along with teams from Malaysia and Brazil at an international Virtual Event conducted by Shell. “ Dear Sir/Madam,...Read More
We are happy to inform all the students and parents that Tapovan School, Bangalore is adopted by Bayer Foundation under a scheme by Niti Aayog. We understand from the concerned that this is a first of it’s kind program in India undertaken by Niti Aayog. Bayer Foundation has adopted around 40 schools in India under...Read More
We are happy to inform all that we received appreciation from Learning Links Foundation on behalf of Dell Technologies. Their message is reproduced below. “Dear Principal/ATL In-charge, Greetings from Learning Links Foundation! Heartiest Congratulations to you and your team on being selected as one of the top teams of She-Codes Innovation Program 2.0 for the project Sanitary Napkins Incinerator.As...Read More